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Jerry Goldsmith biográfia, filmográfia, diszkográfia

Jerry Goldsmith

  • Jerry Goldsmith
Becenév: Jerry
Családi állapot: Nős
Kor: 95 éves
Foglalkozás: Zeneszerző, karmester.
Születési név: Jerrald King Goldsmith
Születési idő: 1929-02-10
Születési hely: Amerikai Egyesült Államok
Magasság: 179 cm
Eredeti hajszín: Barna
Szemszín: Kék
Csillagjegy: Vízöntő
Szerkesztők: Chelydra
Szerkesztés Kép feltöltés




·  Született: 1929. február 10., Pasadena, Kalifornia, Egyesült Államok.
·  Meghalt: 2004. július 21., Beverly Hills, Kalifornia, Egyesült Államok.
·  Házastársak: Carol Heather Goldsmith (házas. 1972.–2004.), Sharon Hennagin (házas. 1950.–1970.).
·  Gyermekei: Joel Goldsmith, Aaron Goldsmith, Carrie Goldsmith, Ellen Edson Goldsmith, Jennifer Grossman.
·  Szülők: Tessa Goldsmith, Morris Goldsmith.
Filmzene , a kortárs klasszikus zene.
Foglalkozás (ok)
Zeneszerző , karmester.
Aktív évek
 Zongorázni Jacob Gimpeltől tanult, zeneelméletet pedig Mario Castelnuovo-Tedescótól. Meghatározó volt Rózsa Miklós hatása Goldsmith-re, s arra, hogy a filmzene irányába mozduljon. Doktorátust szerzett a Berkley College Of Music nevű iskolában, mely Bostonban található. Eleinte diplomásoknak szervezett kurzusokon oktatta a zeneszerzés rejtelmeit a USC Zeneiskolában.
     1950-ben a CBS zenei részlegénél helyezkedett el. Itt kapta élete első megbízását, mint zeneszerző, hogy készítse el a Romance rádiós műsor és a CBS Radio Workshop főcímzenéit. 1960-ig maradt a CBS társaságnál. Elkészítette a "The Twilight Zone" című score-ját, melyet a Revue Studio felhasznált "Thriller" című sorozatához. Találkozott Alfred Newmannel, aki felismerte Goldsmith tehetségét, s elvitte a befolyásos Universal stúdióhoz, ahol segédkezhetett a "Lonely Are The Brave" című 1962-es film elkészítésében. Megismerkedik pár 20th Century Fox-os zeneszerzővel, majd egy gyors elhatározás után átmegy oda dolgozni.
     A '70-es évek elejéig számos, karrierjét meghatározó és megalapozó zenét írt, mint a "The Sand Pebbles" ("Homokkavicsok"), "The Planet Of The Apes" ("A majmok bolygója", "The Blue Max", vagy a "Patton" ("A tábornok"). Munkára éhesen bebizonyította, hogy ő a legsikeresebb zeneszerzők közé tartozik ("Breakout", "The Wind And The Lion", "Chinatown" - "Kínai negyed", "Papillon" - "Pillangó"). 1977-ben megkapja az Oscar-szobrocskát a "The Omen" ("Ómen") zenéjéért, mely azóta is minden idők egyik legfélelmetesebb filmzenéjeként ismeretes. A kritikusok lelkesen beszélnek e művéről, mely sikeresen megragadta a film drámai, atmoszférikus erejét. Populáris filmekhez kezdett el zenéket írni (pl: "The Swarm", "The Great Train Robbery" - "A nagy vonatrablás", "Magic"), mindezeken túl olyan nagy volumenű zenék megírását is vállalta, mint a "Star Trek-The Motion Picture" ("Star Trek: Űrszekerek"), és az "Alien" ("A nyolcadik utas: a Halál"). Ezen filmek témái örökre beíródtak a filmrajongók emlékébe, s örökérvényűvé váltak.
     Ezt követő években sorra érkeztek a felkérések, mind más műfajú filmekhez. Ő komponált zenét a "Rambo", az animációs "Secret Of Nimh" ("A NIMH titka"), a "Poltergeist" ("A kopogó szellem"), a "Gremlins" ("Szörnyecskék"), vagy a "King Solomon's Mines" ("Salamon király kincse") című filmekhez. Több munkájánál az akkori szintetizátoros korszak behatásaként ő is megpróbálkozott a gépzenével ("Runaway", "Criminal Law" - "Gyilkos törvény"), illetve nevéhez fűződik a Universal stúdió logója alatt hallható zene is.
     A '90-es évek során ötvözte a nagyzenekart a gépzenével. Komolyabb akciófilmek mellett előállt nagyobb horderejű művekkel is (pl: "Basic Instict" - "Elemi ösztön", "Russian House" - "Oroszország ház", "The Ghost and the Darkness" - "Ragadozók"). Goldsmith zenéjéből mindig árad a dominancia, miközben a nagyobb volumenű produkciók mellett szinte bármilyen kis költségvetésű film mellé is komponált aláfestést. 1999 óta az Oscar-díj átadás főcímzenéjét is az ő neve fémjelzi.
     Első házasságából, melyet Sharon Hennigan énekesnővel kötött, négy gyermeke született. A legidősebb lány, Ellen vokálozott a "The Wild Rovers" zenéjében, 1971-ben. Carrie és Ellen tanítóként dolgoznak, Jennifer pedig egy szórakoztatóipari cégnél. Fia, Joel az egyetlen, aki követte apját, s szintén zeneszerzővé vált. Második felesége Carol Heather Goldsmith dalszövegíró és énekesnő (akitől ötödik gyermeke, Aaron is származik). Ő írta és énekelte a "The Piper Dreams" című számot, mely az "Ómen"-ben hangzott el. .
     2004. július 21-én álmában érte a halál. Öt éven át küzdött a rák ellen, ám sajnálatos módon nem sikerült legyőznie. Az utóbbi pár hónapban lehetett sejteni, hogy nagy a baj, mivel sorra mondta vissza a filmes felkéréseket és már a 75. születésnapjának tiszteletére rendezett koncertre sem tudott eljönni. A sajnálatos hírt asszisztense, Lois Carruth jelentette be, aki így vélekedik a Mesterről: "Rengeteget kísérletezett, és ez tette őt oly népszerűvé rajongói körében. Amikor írt és alkotott, hatalmas empatikus készséggel beleképzelte magát a karakterek bőrébe, és úgy alkotta meg a zenét, hogy egyszerűen papírra vetette mindazt, amit szerinte a karakter érzett és gondolt."
     Zenéin több generáció nőtt fel és megannyi zeneszerzőt inspirált, hogy a filmzenei pályára lápjen. Sajátos hangszerhasználata, ritmusképei, és dallamai örökre hiányozni fognak...
Forrás: Sztárlexikon -

Filmek, filmzenék, kísérőzenék, betétek, egyéb a teljesség igénye nélkül a hosszú terjedelemre való tekintettel, átvezetve a discográfiába is, egyértelműsíteni nem lehet sok esetben a szétválogatást, mert nem válik sok esetben egyértelművé a besorolás!
Mozi és sorozatok

The Lineup (1954) (TV series)
Climax! (1954) (TV series)
Black Patch (1957)
Face of a Fugitive (1959)
City of Fear (1959)
Playhouse 90 (1959) (TV series)
The Twilight Zone (1959) (TV series)
Perry Mason (1959 TV series incidental music episode 3-75)


The Gambler, the Nun, and the Radio (1960) (TV movie)
Full Circle (1960) (TV series theme)
Pete and Gladys (1960) (TV series theme)
Studs Lonigan (1960)
Thriller (1960)
Dr. Kildare (1961)
The Expendables (1962) (TV movie)
The Crimebusters (1962)
Lonely Are the Brave (1962)
The Spiral Road (1962)
Freud (1962)
The List of Adrian Messenger (1963)
The Stripper (1963)
A Gathering of Eagles (1963)
Lilies of the Field (1963)
Take Her, She's Mine (1963)
The Prize (1963)
Seven Days in May (1964)
Shock Treatment (1964)
Fate Is the Hunter (1964)
The Man from U.N.C.L.E. (1964) (TV series theme)
Rio Conchos (1964)
The Satan Bug (1965)
Voyage to the Bottom of the Sea (1965) (TV series: 1 episodes)
In Harm's Way (1965)
Von Ryan's Express (1965)
Morituri (1965)
The Agony and the Ecstasy (1965) (also composed by Alex North)
A Patch of Blue (1965)
Our Man Flint (1966)
The Trouble with Angels (1966)
Stagecoach (1966)
The Blue Max (1966)
Seconds (1966)
The Sand Pebbles (1966)
Warning Shot (1967) (TV movie)
In Like Flint (1967)
The Flim-Flam Man (1967)
Hour of the Gun (1967)
Sebastian (1968)
Planet of the Apes (1968)
The Detective (1968)
Bandolero! (1968)
Room 222 (1969)
100 Rifles (1969)
The Illustrated Man (1969)
The Chairman (1969)
Justine (1969)


Patton (1970)
The Ballad of Cable Hogue (1970)
Prudence and the Chief (1970) (TV movie)
The Brotherhood of the Bell (1970) (TV movie)
Tora! Tora! Tora! (1970)
The Traveling Executioner (1970)
Rio Lobo (1970)
A Step Out of Line (1971) (TV movie)
The Mephisto Waltz (1971)
Escape from the Planet of the Apes (1971)
Wild Rovers (1971)
The Last Run (1971)
Do Not Fold, Spindle, or Mutilate (1971) (TV movie)
Crosscurrent (1971) (TV movie)
The Homecoming: A Christmas Story (1971) (basis for The Waltons)
Lights Out (1972) (TV movie)
Crawlspace (1972) (TV movie)
The Culpepper Cattle Co. (stock music only) (1972)
The Other (1972)
The Man (1972)
Anna and the King (1972)
Pursuit (1972) (TV movie)
The Waltons (1972) (TV series theme)
Barnaby Jones (1973) (TV series theme and pilot score)
Shamus (1973)
Hawkins on Murder (1973) (TV movie and series theme)
The Red Pony (1973) (TV movie)
Ace Eli and Rodger of the Skies (1973)
The Going Up of David Lev (1973) (TV movie)
One Little Indian (1973)
The Don Is Dead (1973)
Papillon (1973)
Indict and Convict (1974) (TV movie)
Police Story (1974) (theme and pilot score)
A Tree Grows in Brooklyn (1974) (TV movie)
Winter Kill (1974) (TV movie)
QB VII (1974) (miniseries)
Chinatown (1974)
S*P*Y*S (1974)
Ransom (1975)
Archer (1975) (TV series theme)
Breakout (1975)
The Reincarnation of Peter Proud (1975)
The Wind and the Lion (1975)
A Girl Named Sooner (1975) (TV movie)
Adams of Eagle Lake (1975) (TV series theme)
Medical Story (1975) (TV series theme)
Take a Hard Ride (1975)
Babe (1975) (TV movie)
Breakheart Pass (1975)
The Hemingway Play (1976) (TV movie)
The Last Hard Men (stock music only) (1976)
Logan's Run (1976)
The Omen (1976)
High Velocity (1976)
The Cassandra Crossing (1976)
Twilight's Last Gleaming (1977)
Islands in the Stream (1977)
MacArthur (1977)
Damnation Alley (1977)
Contract on Cherry Street (1977) (TV movie)
Coma (1978)
Capricorn One (1978)
Damien: Omen II (1978)
The Swarm (1978)
The Boys from Brazil (1978)
Magic (1978)
The Great Train Robbery (1979)
Alien (1979)
Players (1979)
Star Trek: The Motion Picture (1979)


Caboblanco (1980)
The Salamander (1981)
Omen III: The Final Conflict (1981)
Masada (1981) (TV miniseries, first half only – second half scored by Morton Stevens)
Outland (1981)
Raggedy Man (1981)
Night Crossing (1981)
Poltergeist (1982)
The Secret of NIMH (1982)
The Challenge (1982)
Inchon (1982)
First Blood (1982)
Psycho II (1983)
Twilight Zone: The Movie (1983)
Under Fire (1983)
The Lonely Guy (1984)
Gremlins (1984)
Supergirl (1984)
Runaway (1984)
Baby: Secret of the Lost Legend (1985)
Rambo: First Blood Part II (1985)
Explorers (1985)
Legend (1985)
King Solomon's Mines (1985)
Link (1986)
Amazing Stories (1986) (TV series: episode "Boo!")
Poltergeist II: The Other Side (1986)
Hoosiers (1986)
Star Trek: The Next Generation (theme only, re-arranged by Dennis McCarthy) (1987)
Extreme Prejudice (1987)
Innerspace (1987)
Lionheart (1987)
Rent-A-Cop (1988)
Rambo III (1988)
Criminal Law (1988)
Alien Nation (rejected) (1988)
The 'Burbs (1989)
Leviathan (1989)
Warlock (1989)
Star Trek V: The Final Frontier (1989)


The Russia House (1990)
Gremlins 2: The New Batch (1990)
Total Recall (1990)
H.E.L.P. (1991) (TV series theme)
Not Without My Daughter (1991)
Sleeping with the Enemy (1991)
Mom and Dad Save the World (1991)
Medicine Man (1991)
Basic Instinct (1992)
Forever Young (1992)
Mr. Baseball (1992)
Gladiator (rejected) (1992)
Hollister (1992) (TV movie theme)
Love Field (1993)
The Vanishing (1993)
Dennis the Menace (1993)
Rudy (1993)
Six Degrees of Separation (1993)
Malice (1993)
Matinee (1993)
Angie (1994)
Bad Girls (1994)
The Shadow (1994)
The River Wild (1994)
I.Q. (1994)
Congo (1995)
First Knight (1995)
Star Trek: Voyager (1995) (TV series theme)
Powder (1995)
City Hall (1995)
Executive Decision (1996)
Two Days in the Valley (rejected) (1996)
Chain Reaction (1996)
Star Trek: First Contact (1996) (additional music by Joel Goldsmith)
The Ghost and the Darkness (1996)
Fierce Creatures (1996)
Air Force One (1997) (additional music by Joel McNeely)
L.A. Confidential (1997)
The Edge (1997)
Deep Rising (1998)
U.S. Marshals (1998)
Small Soldiers (1998)
Mulan (1998)
Star Trek: Insurrection (1998)
The Mummy (1999)
The Haunting (1999)
The 13th Warrior (1999)


Hollow Man (2000)
Soarin' Over California (2001) (simulator ride)
Along Came a Spider (2001)
The Last Castle (2001)
The Sum of All Fears (2002)
Star Trek: Nemesis (2002)
Looney Tunes: Back in Action (2003)
Timeline (rejected) (2003)
Folytatás a discográfiában…..
Díjak, jelölések
(Awards and nominations)Over the course of his career, Goldsmith received 18 total Academy Award nominations, making him one of the most nominated composers in Academy Awards history. Despite this, Goldsmith won only one Oscar, for his score to the 1976 film The Omen. This makes Goldsmith the most nominated composer to have won an Oscar only on one occasion.
AFIThe American Film Institute respectively ranked Goldsmith's scores for Chinatown (1974) and Planet of the Apes (1968) No. 9 and No. 18 on their list of the 25 greatest film scores.[12] He is one of only five composers to have more than one score featured in the list, including Elmer Bernstein, Bernard Herrmann, Max Steiner, and John Williams. His scores for the following films were also nominated for inclusion:
Alien (1979)
L.A. Confidential (1997)
The Omen (1976)
Papillon (1973)
A Patch of Blue (1965)
Patton (1970)
The Sand Pebbles (1966)
Star Trek: The Motion Picture (1979)
The Wind and the Lion (1975)

Academy Awards

Best Music Score—substantially original
A Patch of Blue
Best Music Score—substantially original
The Sand Pebbles
Best Original Music Score
Planet of the Apes
Best Original Score—for a motion picture [not a musical]
Best Original Dramatic Score
Best Original Dramatic Score
Best Original Score
The Wind and the Lion
Best Original Score
The Omen
Best Original Score
"Ave Satani" (from The Omen)
Best Original Song
The Boys from Brazil
Best Original Score
Star Trek: The Motion Picture
Best Original Score
Best Original Score
Under Fire
Best Original Score
Best Original Score
Basic Instinct
Best Original Score
L.A. Confidential
Best Original Dramatic Score
Mulan (shared nomination with Matthew Wilder and David Zippel)
Best Original Musical or Comedy Score
Annie Awards
Mulan (shared with Matthew Wilder and David Zippel)
Music in a Feature Production
British Academy Film Awards
Best Film Music
The Wind and the Lion
Best Film Music
Best Film Music
L.A. Confidential
Best Film Music
Emmy Awards
Thriller (shared nomination with Pete Rugolo)
Outstanding Achievement in the Field of Music for Television
The Man From U.N.C.L.E.
Individual Achievements in Music
The Red Pony
Outstanding Achievement in Music Composition
QB VII (ABC Movie Special)
Outstanding Achievement in Music Composition for a Special
Outstanding Achievement in Music Composition for a Special
Outstanding Achievement in Music Composition for a Limited Series or a Special (dramatic underscore)
Star Trek: Voyager
Outstanding Main Title Theme Music
Golden Globe Awards
Seven Days in May
Best Original Score
The Sand Pebbles
Best Original Score
Best Original Score
Best Original Score
Star Trek: The Motion Picture
Best Original Score
Under Fire
Best Original Score
Basic Instinct
Best Original Score
L.A. Confidential
Best Original Score
Mulan (shared nomination with Matthew Wilder and David Zippel)
Best Original Score
Golden Raspberry Awards
Rambo: First Blood Part II (shared nomination with Peter Schless and Frank Stallone)
Worst Original Song
King Solomon's Mines
Worst Musical Score
Congo (shared nomination with Lebo M)
Worst Original Song
Grammy Awards
The Man From U.N.C.L.E. (shared nomination with Lalo Schifrin, Morton Stevens, and Walter Scharf)
Best Original Score from a Motion Picture or Television Show
Album of Best Original Score Written for a Motion Picture or a Television Special
The Wind and the Lion
Album of Best Original Score Written for a Motion Picture or a Television Special
The Omen
Album of Best Original Score Written for a Motion Picture or a Television Special
Best Album of Original Score Written for a Motion Picture or a Television Special
"The Slaves" (track from Masada soundtrack)
Best Instrumental Composition
Satellite Awards
L.A. Confidential
Best Original Score
Saturn Awards
The Boys from Brazil
Best Music
Best Music
Star Trek: The Motion Picture
Best Music
Best Music
Best Music
Best Music
Best Music
Gremlins 2: The New Batch
Best Music
Total Recall
Best Music
Sleeping with the Enemy
Best Music
Best Music
Basic Instinct
Best Music
The Shadow
Best Music
Star Trek: First Contact
Best Music
The Mummy
Best Music
Hollow Man
Best Music
Looney Tunes: Back in Action
Best Music
Forrás: Wikipédia

2015 Spoof Trek IV: The Parody Home (Short) (composer: theme music: original music)
 2014 Starship Valiant: Legacy (Video short)
 2011 El tapón (Short) (composer: stock music)
 2010 What If...? (TV Series) (music by - 1 episode)
- Episode #1.3 (2010) ... (music by)
 2010 Scott Pilgrim a világ ellen (composer: theme "Universal Logo")
 2010/I Survival (Short) (composer: stock music)
 2009 Stealing Time (music by)
 2008 John Rambo (composer: themes)
 2007 They Are Here: The Real World of the Poltergeists (Video documentary short) (composer: original music themes - uncredited)
 2006 The Fear (El Miedo) (composer: stock music)
 2002 Star trek: Nemezis (conductor)
 2002 A rettegés arénája (conductor)
 1995-2001 Star Trek: Voyager (TV Series) (composer - 170 episodes)
- Endgame (2001) ... (composer: theme music)
- Renaissance Man (2001) ... (composer: theme music)
- Homestead (2001) ... (composer: theme music)
- Natural Law (2001) ... (composer: theme music)
- Friendship One (2001) ... (composer: theme music)
Show all 170 episodes
 2001 A pók hálójában (conductor: orchestra)
 2000 Árnyék nélkül (conductor)
 1989-2000 Troldspejlet (TV Series) (composer - 8 episodes)
- Episode #23.17 (2000) ... (composer: stock music)
- Episode #23.1 (2000) ... (composer: stock music)
- Episode #22.12 (1999) ... (composer: stock music)
- Episode #22.2 (1999) ... (composer: stock music)
- Troldspejlet Special: Stop Motion (1999) ... (composer: stock music)
Show all 8 episodes
 1999 Gyémántok (conductor)
 1999 Az átok (conductor)
 1999 Csavargó kutya 2. (conductor)
 1999 A 13. harcos (conductor: orchestra)
 1999 A múmia (music producer - uncredited)
 1998 Star Trek: Űrlázadás (conductor) / (music producer - uncredited)
 1998 Chipkatonák (conductor)
 1998 Mulan (conductor: score) / (score producer)
 1998 Életre-halálra (conductor)
 1998 Kísértethajó (conductor)
 1997 A vadon foglyai (conductor) / (orchestrator)
 1997 Az elnök különgépe (conductor)
 1997 Fészkes fenevadak (conductor)
 1997 Patton: A Tribute to Franklin J. Schaffner (Video documentary) (conductor)
 1996 Star Trek: Kapcsolatfelvétel (conductor) / (music producer)
 1996 Csavargó kutya (conductor)
 1996 Láncreakció (conductor)
 1995 Arc (conductor)
 1995 Kongó (conductor)
 1995 The Science of Star Trek (TV Movie documentary) (composer: stock music)
 1994 I.Q. - A szerelem relatív (conductor)
 1994 Veszélyes vizeken (conductor)
 1994 Disney's Young Musicians Symphony Orchestra (TV Movie) (conductor)
 1987-1994 Star Trek: Az új nemzedék (TV Series) (composer - 176 episodes)
- All Good Things... (1994) ... (composer: main title theme)
- Preemptive Strike (1994) ... (composer: main title theme)
- Emergence (1994) ... (composer: main title theme)
- Bloodlines (1994) ... (composer: main title theme)
- Firstborn (1994) ... (composer: main title theme)
Show all 176 episodes
 1993 6szoros ölelés (conductor)
 1993 Bűvölet (conductor)
 1993 The Untouchables (TV Series) (conductor - 1 episode)
- Pilot - Part 1 (1993) ... (conductor - uncredited)
 1993 Dennis, a komisz (conductor)
 1993 Nyom nélkül (musician - uncredited)
 1992 Halhatatlan szerelem (conductor)
 1992 Elemi ösztön (conductor)
 1992 Medicine Man (conductor)
 1991 Star Trek Logs: An MTV Big Picture Special Edition (TV Special documentary) (composer: stock music)
 1991 Brotherhood of the Gun (TV Movie) (composer: theme music)
 1991 Ómen 4: Az ébredés (TV Movie) (composer: themes from The Omen and Omen III)
 1991 Egy ágyban az ellenséggel (conductor)
 1990 Gremlins 2: The New Batch (Video Game) (composer: themes)
 1989 Warlock (conductor)
 1989 Leviathan (conductor)
 1988 Földönkívüli zsaru (musician)
 1988 Gyilkos törvény (musician - uncredited)
 1988 Rambo 3. (conductor)
 1987 Police Story: The Freeway Killings (TV Movie) (composer: theme music)
 1986 Az elveszett aranyváros fosztogatói (composer: theme music - uncredited)
 1986 A legjobb dobás (musician - uncredited)
 1986 Link (conductor)
 1985 Legenda (conductor - uncredited)
 1984 Gyilkos robotok (musician - uncredited)
 1984 Supergirl (conductor)
 1983 Homályzóna (conductor - uncredited)
 1983 The Return of the Man from U.N.C.L.E.: The Fifteen Years Later Affair (TV Movie) (composer: theme music)
 1982 Dünyayi Kurtaran Adam (composer: "Planet of the Apes" themes - uncredited)
 1982 Éjszakai átkelés (conductor - uncredited)
 1972-1981 The Waltons (TV Series) (composer - 210 episodes)
- The Revel (1981) ... (composer: theme music)
- The Hostage (1981) ... (composer: theme music)
- The Lumberjack (1981) ... (composer: theme music)
- The Heartache (1981) ... (composer: theme music)
- The Indiscretion (1981) ... (composer: theme music)
Show all 210 episodes
 1981 Gyilkos bolygó (conductor - uncredited)
 1981 Masada (TV Mini-Series) (composer - 2 episodes)
- Part IV (1981) ... (composer: theme music)
- Part III (1981) ... (composer: theme music)
 1980 Police Story: Confessions of a Lady Cop (TV Movie) (composer: theme music - uncredited)
 1973-1980 Barnaby Jones (TV Series) (composer - 178 episodes)
- The Killin' Cousin (1980) ... (composer: theme music)
- Deadline for Murder (1980) ... (composer: theme music)
- The Silent Accuser (1980) ... (composer: theme music)
- The Final Victim (1980) ... (composer: theme music)
- Death Is the Punchline (1980) ... (composer: theme music)
Show all 178 episodes
 1980 Caboblanco (conductor)
 1979 Star Trek: A mozifilm (conductor)
 1973-1979 Police Story (TV Series) (composer - 95 episodes)
- A Cry for Justice (1979) ... (composer: theme music)
- A Chance to Live (1978) ... (composer: theme music)
- No Margin for Error (1978) ... (composer: theme music)
- The Broken Badge (1978) ... (composer: theme music)
- Day of Terror... Night of Fear (1978) ... (composer: theme music)
Show all 95 episodes
 1978 Kóma (conductor - uncredited)
 1977 Szigetek az áramlatban (conductor - uncredited)
 1976 A Cassandra-átjáró (conductor: the Symphonic Orchestra UNIONE MUSICISTI DI ROMA) / (orchestrator - uncredited)
 1976 Logan futása (conductor - uncredited)
 1976 Az utolsó keményfiúk (composer: stock music)
 1975 Babe (TV Movie) (conductor - uncredited) / (orchestrator - uncredited)
 1975 Medical Story (TV Series) (composer - 1 episode)
- An Air Full of Death (1975) ... (composer: theme music)
 1975 Archer (TV Series) (composer - 5 episodes)
- Blood Money (1975) ... (composer: theme music)
- The Vanished Man (1975) ... (composer: theme music)
- The Body Beautiful (1975) ... (composer: theme music)
- The Arsonist (1975) ... (composer: theme music)
- The Turkish Connection (1975) ... (composer: theme music)
 1969-1974 Room 222 (TV Series) (composer - 113 episodes)
- Jason and Big Mo (1974) ... (composer: theme music)
- Cry Uncle (1974) ... (composer: theme music)
- I Didn't Raise My Girl to Be a Soldier (1974) ... (composer: theme music)
- MPG (1973) ... (composer: theme music)
- El Greco to Jason (1973) ... (composer: theme music)
Show all 113 episodes
 1973 Hawkins (TV Series) (conductor - 1 episode)
- Hawkins on Murder (1973) ... (conductor - uncredited)
 1971 The Homecoming: A Christmas Story (TV Movie) (conductor)
 1971 Crosscurrent (TV Movie) (conductor - uncredited)
 1971 Vad vándorok (conductor - uncredited)
 1970 The Traveling Executioner (conductor - uncredited)
 1970 Tora! Tora! Tora! (conductor - uncredited)
 1970 A tábornok (conductor - uncredited)
 1969 The Chairman (conductor)
 1969 Száz puska (conductor - uncredited)
 1968 Sebastian (conductor - uncredited)
 1964-1968 The Man from U.N.C.L.E. (TV Series) (composer - 100 episodes)
- The Seven Wonders of the World Affair: Part II (1968) ... (composer: "The Man From U.N.C.L.E." theme)
- The Seven Wonders of the World Affair: Part I (1968) ... (composer: "The Man From U.N.C.L.E." theme)
- The Deep Six Affair (1967) ... (composer: "The Man From U.N.C.L.E." theme)
- The Maze Affair (1967) ... (composer: "The Man From U.N.C.L.E." theme)
- The Man from THRUSH Affair (1967) ... (composer: "The Man From U.N.C.L.E." theme)
Show all 100 episodes
 1968 A helikopterkémek (composer: theme "The Man From U.N.C.L.E.")
 1967 The Mouse from H.U.N.G.E.R. (Short) (composer: theme music - uncredited)
 1967 Elég gazember (conductor - uncredited)
 1966-1967 The Girl from U.N.C.L.E. (TV Series) (composer - 29 episodes)
- The Kooky Spook Affair (1967) ... (composer: theme "U.N.C.L.E. theme")
- The High and the Deadly Affair (1967) ... (composer: U.N.C.L.E. theme)
- The U.N.C.L.E. Samurai Affair (1967) ... (composer: U.N.C.L.E. theme)
- The Double-O-Nothing Affair (1967) ... (composer: U.N.C.L.E. theme)
- The Phi Beta Killer Affair (1967) ... (composer: U.N.C.L.E. theme)
Show all 29 episodes
 1967 A karate gyilkosok (composer: theme music)
 1967 Kém zöld kalapban (composer: theme music)
 1966 Jericho (TV Series) (composer - 1 episode)
- A Jug of Wine, a Loaf of Bread - and POW (1966) ... (composer: theme music)
 1966 Az egyik kémünk hiányzik (composer: theme "The Man From U.N.C.L.E.")
 1966 A kék Max (conductor)
 1966 Stagecoach (conductor - uncredited)
 1961-1966 Dr. Kildare (TV Series) (composer - 191 episodes)
- Reckoning (1966) ... (composer: theme music)
- New Doctor in Town (1966) ... (composer: theme music)
- Strange Sort of Accident (1966) ... (composer: theme music)
- Mercy or Murder (1966) ... (composer: theme music)
- Travel a Crooked Road (1966) ... (composer: theme music)
Show all 191 episodes
 1965-1966 The Loner (TV Series) (composer - 25 episodes)
- To Hang a Dead Man (1966) ... (composer: theme music)
- The Burden of the Badge (1966) ... (composer: theme music)
- Pick Me Another Time to Die (1966) ... (composer: theme music)
- Incident in the Middle of Nowhere (1966) ... (composer: theme music)
- The Mourners for Johnny Sharp: Part 2 (1966) ... (composer: theme music)
Show all 25 episodes
 1966 Egy kém túl sok (composer: theme "The Man From U.N.C.L.E.")
 1966 Please Don't Eat the Daisies (TV Series) (composer - 1 episode)
- Say UNCLE (1966) ... (composer: "The Man From U.N.C.L.E." theme - uncredited)
 1965 Álcázott kémek (composer: theme "The Man From U.N.C.L.E.")
 1965 Szemben az árral (musician - uncredited)
 1965 Pokoli találmány (conductor) / (musical director - uncredited)
 1964 Rio Conchos (conductor - uncredited)
 1964 Destry (TV Series) (music score - 3 episodes)
- Stormy Is a Lady (1964) ... (music score)
- Law and Order Day (1964) ... (music score)
- Destry Had a Little Lamb (1964) ... (music score)
 1964 Hét májusi nap (conductor)
 1963 A díj (conductor - uncredited)
 1963 Take Her, She's Mine (musical director - uncredited)
 1963 The Stripper (conductor - uncredited)
 1963 Adrian Messenger listája (conductor - uncredited)
 1961-1962 Cain's Hundred (TV Series) (composer - 30 episodes)
- The Quick Brown Fox (1962) ... (composer: theme music)
- The Left Side of Canada (1962) ... (composer: theme music)
- Women of Silure (1962) ... (composer: theme music)
- A Creature Lurks in Ambush (1962) ... (composer: theme music)
- Inside Track (1962) ... (composer: theme music)
Show all 30 episodes
 1960-1962 Thriller (TV Series) (composer - 18 episodes)
- The Specialists (1962) ... (composer: stock music - uncredited)
- The Closed Cabinet (1961) ... (composer: theme music)
- The Last of the Sommervilles (1961) ... (composer: theme music)
- Masquerade (1961) ... (composer: theme music)
- God Grante That She Lye Stille (1961) ... (composer: theme music)
Show all 18 episodes
 1962 87th Precinct (TV Series) (music score - 1 episode)
- Step Forward (1962) ... (music score)
  The Twilight Zone (TV Series) (composer - 4 episodes, 1959 - 1961) (conductor - 4 episodes, 1960 - 1961)
- A Game of Pool (1961) ... (composer: stock music cues - uncredited)
- The Invaders (1961) ... (conductor)
- Back There (1961) ... (conductor)
- Dust (1961) ... (conductor)
- Nervous Man in a Four Dollar Room (1960) ... (conductor)
Show all 8 episodes
 1961 Rawhide (TV Series) (conductor - 1 episode)
- Incident in the Middle of Nowhere (1961) ... (conductor)
 1960 Lángoló csillag (composer: additional music - uncredited)
 1960 Gunsmoke (TV Series) (conductor - 2 episodes)
- The Cook (1960) ... (conductor)
- The Wake (1960) ... (conductor)
 1959-1960 Black Saddle (TV Series) (composer - 37 episodes)
- End of the Line (1960) ... (composer: theme music - as Michael Hennagin)
- The Penalty (1960) ... (composer: theme music - as Michael Hennagin)
- A Case of Slow (1960) ... (composer: theme music - as Michael Hennagin)
- The Return (1960) ... (composer: theme music - as Michael Hennagin)
- The Cabin (1960) ... (composer: theme music - as Michael Hennagin)
Show all 37 episodes
 1960 Playhouse 90 (TV Series) (conductor - 1 episode)
- Tomorrow (1960) ... (conductor)
 1959 Perry Mason (TV Series) (conductor - 1 episode)
- The Case of Paul Drake's Dilemma (1959) ... (conductor)
 1959 Face of a Fugitive (conductor - as Jerrald Goldsmith)
 1959 City of Fear (conductor)
  Climax! (TV Series) (conductor - 3 episodes, 1954 - 1957) (musical director - 1 episode, 1957)
- Keep Me in Mind (1957) ... (musical director)
- Trail of Terror (1957) ... (conductor)
- Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde (1955) ... (conductor)
- Casino Royale (1954) ... (conductor)
 1957 Black Patch (music conductor)
 1954-1955 The Lineup (TV Series) (composer - 39 episodes)
- Shopwell Market Robberies (1955) ... (composer: theme music)
- The Kasino Case (1955) ... (composer: theme music)
- The Keating Case (1955) ... (composer: theme music)
- The Husky Slugger Case (1955) ... (composer: theme music)
- The Hacker Case (1955) ... (composer: theme music)
Show all 39 episodes
 2015 Bérhaverok (writer: "The Final Game")
 2014 One Hit Wonderland (TV Series) (writer - 1 episode)
- Maniac by Michael Sembello (2014) ... (writer: "Gremlins Theme")
 2012-2013 Atop the Fourth Wall (TV Series) (2 episodes)
- Star Trek V: The Final Frontier (2013) ... ("The Mountain")
- Spider-Man: One More Day - 200th Episode (2012) ... ("Ave Satani")
 2013 The Oscars (TV Special) (writer: "Main Title" - uncredited)
 2012 Django elszabadul (performer: "Nicaragua") / (writer: "Nicaragua")
 2011-2012 Some Jerk with a Camera (TV Series documentary) (writer - 4 episodes)
- Thirty Years of EPCOT Part Three: The 1990s and 2000s (2012) ... (writer: "Soarin'")
- Thirty Years of EPCOT Part Two: The 1980s (2012) ... (writer: "Soarin'")
- Thirty Years of Epcot Part One: Concept and Opening (2012) ... (writer: "Soarin'")
- Ten Years of Disney's California Adventure (2011) ... (writer: "Soarin'")
 2012 Hollywood in Vienna 2012 (TV Special) (music: "Basic Instinct")
 2012/I Prometheus (writer: "Theme from Alien")
  A Simpson család (TV Series) (1 episode, 1990) (writer - 1 episode, 2010)
- How Munched Is That Birdie in the Window? (2010) ... (writer: "Patton (Theme)" - uncredited)
- Bart the General (1990) ... ("Theme from Patton")
 2010 A Walton's Family Reunion (TV Movie documentary) ("The Waltons Theme")
 2010 Scott Pilgrim a világ ellen (writer: "Universal Theme" - uncredited)
 2010 Temple Grandin (TV Movie) (writer: "Man from U.N.C.L.E." (1964))
  Yu-Gi-Oh! The Abridged Series (TV Series) (performer - 2 episodes, 2006 - 2009) (writer - 2 episodes, 2006 - 2009)
- Single White Shemale (2009) ... (performer: "Ave Satani" - uncredited) / (writer: "Ave Satani" - uncredited)
- The Plot Thinnens (2006) ... (performer: "Ave Santi" - uncredited) / (writer: "Ave Santi" - uncredited)
 2009 The 81st Annual Academy Awards (TV Special) (writer: "Fanfare for Oscar")
 2008 Música de cine (TV Movie documentary) (writer: "Ave Satani")
 2008 John Rambo (writer: "Rambo: First Blood Theme")
 2006 Ómen (writer: "AVE SATANI" (1976), "A DOCTOR, PLEASE" (1976), "KILLER STORM" (1976))
 2006 Elemi ösztön 2. (writer: "Theme")
 2006 A belső ember (writer: "Patton (Theme)")
 2006 Egy férfi naplója (writer: "Basic Instinct")
 2005 Mennyei királyság (performer: "VALHALLA") / (writer: "VALHALLA")
 2004 The 76th Annual Academy Awards (TV Special) (music: "Fanfare for Oscar")
 2003 Bolondos dallamok - Újra bevetésen (writer: "Gremlin Rag")
 2003 Már megint Malcolm (TV Series) (writer - 1 episode)
- Hal's Friend (2003) ... (writer: "Patton (Theme)")
 2003 The 75th Annual Academy Awards (TV Special) (music: "Fanfare for Oscar")
 2002 A rettegés arénája ("The Mission") / (producer: "The Mission", "Nessun dorma") / (writer: "If We Could Remember")
 2002 The 74th Annual Academy Awards (TV Special) (music: "Fanfare for Oscar")
 2002 A kölyök képben marad (Documentary) (writer: "Love Theme from Chinatown" (1974), "The Captive" (1974))
 2001 Star Trek: Enterprise (TV Series) (writer - 1 episode)
- Fight or Flight (2001) ... (writer: "Star Trek: Voyager - Main Title")
 1995-2001 Star Trek: Voyager (TV Series) (writer - 170 episodes)
- Endgame (2001) ... (writer: "Star Trek: Voyager - Main Title")
- Renaissance Man (2001) ... (writer: "Star Trek: Voyager - Main Title" - uncredited)
- Homestead (2001) ... (writer: "Star Trek: Voyager - Main Title")
- Natural Law (2001) ... (writer: "Star Trek: Voyager - Main Title" - uncredited)
- Friendship One (2001) ... (writer: "Star Trek: Voyager - Main Title")
Show all 170 episodes
 2001 The 73rd Annual Academy Awards (TV Special) (music: "Fanfare for Oscar")
 2001 Véres Valentin (writer: "Breed")
 2000 Hogyan öljük meg a szomszéd kutyáját (writer: "Planet of the Apes (Score)")
 2000 Bohém London (writer: "The Wind")
 2000 The 72nd Annual Academy Awards (TV Special) (music: "Fanfare for Oscar")
 1999 Börtönpalota (writer: "The Wind")
 1999 Kicsikém - Sir Austin Powers 2 (performer: "In Like Flint") / (writer: "In Like Flint")
 1999 The 71st Annual Academy Awards (TV Special) (music: "Fanfare for Oscar")
 1998 Star Trek: Űrlázadás ("Theme from 'Star Trek: The Motion Picture'")
 1998 The 70th Annual Academy Awards (TV Special) (music: "Fanfare for Oscar")
 1996 Star Trek: Kapcsolatfelvétel (performer: "Main Title / Locutus", "Main Title (Star Trek: The Motion Picture)" (uncredited)) / (writer: "Main Title / Locutus", "Main Title (Star Trek: The Motion Picture)" (uncredited), "Star Trek: The Next Generation - Main Title" (uncredited))
 1996 Ragadozók (performer: "The Bridge", "Prepare for Battle" - uncredited) / (writer: "The Bridge", "Prepare for Battle" - uncredited)
 1995 Kongó (music: "Spirit Of Africa") / (producer: "Spirit Of Africa")
 1987-1994 Star Trek: Az új nemzedék (TV Series) (writer - 176 episodes)
- All Good Things... (1994) ... (writer: "Star Trek: The Next Generation Main Title", "Star Trek: The Next Generation End Credits")
- Preemptive Strike (1994) ... (writer: "Star Trek: The Next Generation Main Title", "Star Trek: The Next Generation End Credits")
- Emergence (1994) ... (writer: "Star Trek: The Next Generation Main Title", "Star Trek: The Next Generation End Credits")
- Bloodlines (1994) ... (writer: "Star Trek: The Next Generation Main Title", "Star Trek: The Next Generation End Credits")
- Firstborn (1994) ... (writer: "Star Trek: The Next Generation Main Title", "Star Trek: The Next Generation End Credits")
Show all 176 episodes
 1993 Beverly Hill-dili (writer: "BARNABY JONES" Main Title)
 1991 Hudson Hawk - Egy mestertolvaj aranyat ér (arranger: "HAIL TO THE CHIEF")
 1989 Star Trek - A végső határ (music: "The Moon's a Window to Heaven")
 1989 Ami sok, az sokk (arranger: "Se Sei Qualcuno è Colpa Mia" - uncredited)
 1987 Szebb holnap 2. ("The Set-Up")
 1985 Legenda (writer: "My True Love's Kiss", "Forgive Me", "Faeries Dance", "The Armour", "Oona/The Jewels", "Dress Waltz" - uncredited)
 1985 Rambo 2. (music: "Peace in Our Life")
 1983-1985 Knight Rider (TV Series) (writer - 3 episodes)
- Knight Strike (1985) ... (writer: "March")
- A Nice, Indecent Little Town (1983) ... (writer: "March")
- Give Me Liberty... or Give Me Death (1983) ... (writer: "March")
 1984 Lapátra tett férjek (music: "Love Comes Without Warning")
 1983 A kispapa (writer: "Patton" - uncredited)
 1983 Homályzóna (music: "NIGHTS ARE FOREVER")
 1982 Rambo (music: "IT'S A LONG ROAD")
 1982 A NIMH titka (writer: "Flying Dreams")
 1980 Di yi lei xing wei xian (writer: "The Cloud" - uncredited)
 1980 The Waltons: A Decade of the Waltons (TV Movie) ("The Walton's Theme")
 1980 Caboblanco (music: "Heaven Knows")
 1979 WKRP in Cincinnati (TV Series) (writer - 1 episode)
- Young Master Carlson (1979) ... (writer: "Theme from the movie Patton")
 1978 Brazíliai fiúk (music: "WE'RE HOME AGAIN")
 1978 Slave of Pleasure (writer: "Love Theme (Main Title)" - uncredited)
 1978 A nagy vágta (arranger: "Semper Fidelis" - uncredited)
 1978 Business as Usual (writer: "Love Theme from Chinatown (Main Title)" - uncredited)
 1978 The Last Sex Act (writer: "Love Theme (Main Title)" - uncredited)
 1977 The Fire in Francesca (writer: "Love Theme (Main Title)" - uncredited)
 1977 Kingdom of the Spiders ("The Invaders", uncredited)
 1977 The 49th Annual Academy Awards (TV Special) (writer: "Ave Satani")
 1976 Ómen (lyrics: "Ave Satani" - uncredited) / (music: "Ave Satani", "The Piper Dreams" - uncredited)
 1976 Satisfaction Guaranteed (writer: "Theme" - uncredited)
 1975 Pleasure Island (writer: "The Wind and the Lion" - uncredited)
 1974 Kínai negyed (music: "Love Theme from Chinatown" (Main Title) - uncredited)
 1973 A don halála (music: "Our Last Night")
 1970-1972 Monty Python Repülő Cirkusza (TV Series) (writer - 2 episodes)
- The War Against Pornography (1972) ... (writer: "Three Stars Will Shine Tonight" - uncredited)
- Royal Episode 13 (1970) ... (writer: "Theme from Dr. Kildare (Three Stars Will Shine Tonight)")
 1971 Vad vándorok (music: "Wild Rover") / (writer: "Ballad of the Wild Rovers" - uncredited)
 1970 A pap, a kurtizán és a magányos hős (arranger: "Wait for Me, Sunrise", "Butterfly Mornin's", "Wait for Me, Sunrise (End Title)") / (music: "Tomorrow is the Song I Sing (Main Title)", "Waiting")
 1968 Sebastian (writer: "Here Comes The Night")
 1967 In Like Flint (arranger: "Hail To The Chief" - uncredited) / (music: "Your Zowie Face")
 1966 Az üveg fenekű hajó (writer: "Theme From The Man From U.N.C.L.E." - uncredited)
 1966 Stagecoach (music: "Stagecoach Theme (I Will Follow)" - uncredited)
 1966 The Trouble with Angels (music: "The Trouble With Angels", "The Trouble With Angels" (reprise))
 1964 Fate Is the Hunter (music: "Fate Is the Hunter")
 1964 Mrs. McGinthy halott (music: "Theme From Dr. Kildare" - uncredited)
 1961 Dr. Kildare (TV Series) ("Three Stars Will Shine Tonight")
 2014 Alien: Isolation (Video Game) (music composer: "The Passage" and other cues from Alien)
 2006 The Ladiest Damn'd Lady: An Afternoon with Stella Stevens (Video documentary short)
 2004 Star Trek: New Voyages (TV Series) (1 episode)
- In Harms Way (2004)
 2003 Bolondos dallamok - Újra bevetésen
 2002 Afghanistan: Land in Crisis (Video documentary short)
 2002 Guts and Glory (Video short)
 2002 Selling a Hero (Video short)
 2002 The Forging of Heroes: America's Green Berets (Video short)
 2002 The Real Nam: Voices from Within (Video documentary short)
 2002 Star trek: Nemezis
 2002 A rettegés arénája
 2002 Drawing First Blood (Video documentary short)
 2002 We Get to Win This Time (Video short documentary) (from "Rambo: First Blood Part II")
 2001 Blonde Poison: The Making of 'Basic Instinct' (Video documentary short)
 2001 Az utolsó erőd
 2001 A pók hálójában
 2001 Soarin' Over California (Documentary short)
 2000 Fleshing Out the 'Hollow Man' (Video documentary)
 2000 666: 'The Omen' Revealed (Video documentary)
 2000 Árnyék nélkül
 1999 Building a Better Mummy (Video documentary)
 1999 Az átok
 1999 A 13. harcos
 1999 A múmia
 1998 Star Trek: Űrlázadás
 1998 Chipkatonák
 1998 Mulan
 1998 Életre-halálra
 1998 Kísértethajó
 1997 A vadon foglyai
 1997 Az elnök különgépe
 1997 Szigorúan bizalmas
 1997 Fészkes fenevadak
 1996 Star Trek: Kapcsolatfelvétel
 1996 Ragadozók
 1996 Láncreakció
 1996 Tűzparancs
 1996 Minden gyanú felett
 1995 Arc
 1995 Az első lovag
 1995 Kongó
 1994 I.Q. - A szerelem relatív
 1994 Veszélyes vizeken
 1994 Az Árnyék
 1994 Rosszlányok
 1994 Angie
 1993 6szoros ölelés
 1993 Bűvölet
 1993 Mindent a győzelemért!
 1993 Dennis, a komisz
 1993 Nyom nélkül
 1993 Matiné
 1992 The Bogie Man (TV Movie)
 1992 A szeretet földje
 1992 Halhatatlan szerelem
 1992 Mr. Baseball
 1992 Idióták bolygója
 1992 Elemi ösztön
 1992 Medicine Man
 1991 Egy ágyban az ellenséggel
 1991 Lányom nélkül soha
 1990 Oroszország ház
 1990 Szörnyecskék 2. - Az új falka
 1990 Az emlékmás
 1990 H.E.L.P. (TV Series)
 1989 Star Trek - A végső határ
 1989 Warlock
 1989 Leviathan
 1989 Ami sok, az sokk
 1988 Gyilkos törvény
 1988 Rambo 3.
 1987 Bérelj zsarut!
 1987 Lionheart
 1987 Vérbeli hajsza
 1987 Különös kegyetlenséggel
 1986 A legjobb dobás
 1986 Kopogó szellem 2.
 1986 Amazing Stories (TV Series) (1 episode)
- Boo! (1986)
 1986 Link
 1985 Salamon király kincse
 1985 Legenda (director's cut)
 1985 Űrrandevú
 1985 Rambo 2.
 1985 'Pici', az elveszett legenda titka
 1984 Gyilkos robotok
 1984 Supergirl
 1984 Szörnyecskék
 1984 Lapátra tett férjek
 1983 Tűzvonalban
 1983 Dusty (TV Movie)
 1983 Homályzóna
 1983 Psycho II
 1982 Rambo
 1982 A hadüzenet
 1982 A NIMH titka
 1982 Poltergeist - Kopogó szellem
 1982 Éjszakai átkelés
 1981 Az utolsó telefonhívás
 1981 Gyilkos bolygó
 1981 Inchon
 1981 Masada (TV Mini-Series) (2 episodes)
- Part II (1981)
- Part I (1981)
 1981 Ómen 3 - Végső leszámolás
 1981 A gyilkos szalamandra
 1980 Caboblanco
 1979 Star Trek: A mozifilm
 1979 Játékosok
 1979 A nyolcadik utas: a Halál
 1978 Az első nagy vonatrablás
 1978 A mágus
 1978 Brazíliai fiúk
 1978 Rajzás
 1978 Ómen 2: Damien
 1978 Kóma
 1977 Földi űrutazás
 1977 Contract on Cherry Street (TV Movie)
 1977 Damnation Alley
 1977 MacArthur
 1977 Szigetek az áramlatban
 1977 Twilight's Last Gleaming
 1976 A Cassandra-átjáró
 1976 High Velocity
 1976 Logan futása
 1976 Ómen
 1976 Az utolsó keményfiúk
 1976 The Hemingway Play (TV Movie)
 1975 Breakheart-szoros
 1975 Babe (TV Movie)
 1975 Take a Hard Ride
 1975 Medical Story (TV Movie)
 1975 Medical Story (TV Series)
 1975 A Girl Named Sooner (TV Movie)
 1975 Szél és az oroszlán
 1975 The Reincarnation of Peter Proud
 1975 Szöktetés
 1975 Archer (TV Series) (1 episode)
- Shades of Blue (1975)
 1975 Adams of Eagle Lake (TV Series)
 1973-1974 Police Story (TV Series) (16 episodes)
- Explosion (1974)
- Across the Line (1974)
- The Gamble (1974)
- Chief (1974)
- Fingerprint (1974)
Show all 16 episodes
 1974 S*P*Y*S
 1974 Kínai negyed
 1974 QB VII (TV Mini-Series) (2 episodes)
- Part Three (1974)
- Part One & Two (1974)
 1974 Winter Kill (TV Movie)
 1974 A Tree Grows in Brooklyn (TV Movie)
 1974/II Váltságdíj
 1974 Indict and Convict (TV Movie)
 1973 Pillangó
 1973 A don halála
 1973 Egy kis indián
 1973 The Going Up of David Lev (TV Movie)
 1973 Ace Eli and Rodger of the Skies
 1973 A vörös póni (TV Movie)
 1973 Hawkins (TV Series) (1 episode)
- Hawkins on Murder (1973)
 1971-1973 The Waltons (TV Series) (8 episodes)
- The Townie (1973)
- The Scholar (1973)
- The Deed (1973)
- The Courtship (1973)
- The Love Story (1973)
Show all 8 episodes
 1973 Shamus
 1973 Barnaby Jones (TV Series) (1 episode)
- Requiem for a Son (1973)
 1972 Pursuit (TV Movie)
 1972 Anna and the King (TV Series)
 1972 The Man
 1972 A másik
 1972 The Culpepper Cattle Co.
 1972 Crawlspace (TV Movie)
 1972 Lights Out (TV Movie)
 1971 The Homecoming: A Christmas Story (TV Movie)
 1971 Crosscurrent (TV Movie)
 1971 Do Not Fold, Spindle or Mutilate (TV Movie)
 1971 Az utolsó megbízatás
 1971 Vad vándorok
 1971 A majmok bolygója III. - A menekülés
 1971 The Mephisto Waltz
 1971 A Step Out of Line (TV Movie)
 1970 Rio Lobo
 1970 Bracken's World (TV Series) (1 episode)
- A Score Without Strings (1970)
 1970 The Traveling Executioner
 1970 Tora! Tora! Tora!
 1970 The Brotherhood of the Bell (TV Movie)
 1970 Prudence and the Chief (TV Movie)
 1970 A pap, a kurtizán és a magányos hős
 1970 A tábornok
 1969 Justine
 1969 The Chairman
 1969 Száz puska
 1969 The Illustrated Man
 1968 Nick Quarry (TV Short)
 1968 A bandita
 1968 A detektív
 1968 A majmok bolygója
 1968 Sebastian
 1964-1967 The Man from U.N.C.L.E. (TV Series) (15 episodes)
- The Deadly Quest Affair (1967)
- The Girls of Nazarone Affair (1965)
- The Never-Never Affair (1965)
- The Four-Steps Affair (1965)
- The Brain-Killer Affair (1965)
Show all 15 episodes
 1967 Fegyverek órája
 1967 Elég gazember
 1967 In Like Flint
 1967 Warning Shot
 1966 Homokkavicsok
 1960-1966 Gunsmoke (TV Series) (6 episodes)
- The Whispering Tree (1966)
- Old Faces (1961)
- Love Thy Neighbor (1961)
- The Wake (1960)
- The Blacksmith (1960)
Show all 6 episodes
 1966 Jericho (TV Series) (1 episode)
- A Jug of Wine, a Loaf of Bread - and POW (1966)
 1966 A kék Max
 1966 Második lehetőség
 1966 Stagecoach
 1966 The Trouble with Angels
 1966 Derek Flint
 1965 Fekete-fehér
 1965 The Loner (TV Series) (2 episodes)
- One of the Wounded (1965)
- An Echo of Bugles (1965)
 1965 Prologue: The Artist Who Did Not Want to Paint (Documentary short)
 1965 Voyage to the Bottom of the Sea (TV Series) (1 episode)
- Jonah and the Whale (1965)
 1965 The Legend of Jesse James (TV Series)
 1965 Morituri
 1965 Az elrabolt expresszvonat
 1965 Szemben az árral
 1965 Pokoli találmány
 1964 Rio Conchos
 1964 Fate Is the Hunter
 1964 Shock Treatment
 1964 Breaking Point (TV Series) (2 episodes)
- So Many Pretty Girls, So Little Time (1964) ... (music score)
- A Little Anger Is a Good Thing (1964) ... (music score)
 1964 Hét májusi nap
 1960-1964 The Twilight Zone (TV Series) (8 episodes)
- You Drive (1964) ... (uncredited)
- The Invaders (1961)
- Back There (1961)
- Dust (1961)
- Nervous Man in a Four Dollar Room (1960)
Show all 8 episodes
 1964 Kémcsapda
 1964 The General with the Cockeyed Id (Documentary)
 1963 A díj
 1963 Take Her, She's Mine
 1963 Bob Hope Presents the Chrysler Theatre (TV Series)
 1963 Sasok gyülekezete
 1963 Kraft Mystery Theater (TV Series) (1 episode)
- Shadow of a Man (1963)
 1963 The Stripper
 1963 Nézzétek a mező liliomait!
 1963 Adrian Messenger listája
 1962 The Expendables (TV Movie)
 1962 Freud: a titkos szenvedély
 1962 The Spiral Road
 1962 Az utolsó cowboy
 1961-1962 Dr. Kildare (TV Series) (2 episodes)
- Operation: Lazarus (1962) ... (music score)
- Admitting Service (1961) ... (as Jerrald Goldsmith)
 1962 The Crimebusters
 1959-1962 General Electric Theater (TV Series) (5 episodes)
- Mister Doc (1962)
- My Dark Days: Part 1 (1962)
- Sarah's Laughter (1960)
- The Last Dance (1959)
- Hitler's Secret (1959)
 1960-1962 Thriller (TV Series) (53 episodes)
- The Bride Who Died Twice (1962)
- The Storm (1962) ... (theme music)
- La Strega (1962) ... (theme music)
- Waxworks (1962) ... (theme music)
- An Attractive Family (1962) ... (theme music)
Show all 53 episodes
 1961-1962 Cain's Hundred (TV Series) (9 episodes)
- The New Order: Peter Long (1962) ... (as Jerrald Goldsmith, music score)
- Murder by Proxy: Earl Klegg (1962) ... (as Jerrald Goldsmith, music score)
- Dead Load: Dave Braddock (1961) ... (as Jerrald Goldsmith, music score)
- Comeback (1961)
- King of the Mountain (1961)
Show all 9 episodes
 1961 Wagon Train (TV Series) (1 episode)
- The Ah Chong Story (1961)
 1961 Rawhide (TV Series) (1 episode)
- Incident in the Middle of Nowhere (1961)
 1960 Have Gun - Will Travel (TV Series) (2 episodes)
- A Head of Hair (1960)
- The Fatalist (1960)
 1960 Pete and Gladys (TV Series)
 1960 Studs Lonigan (as Jerrald Goldsmith)
 1960 Full Circle (TV Series)
 1960 The Gambler, the Nun and the Radio (TV Movie)
 1959-1960 Playhouse 90 (TV Series) (10 episodes)
- The Shape of the River (1960)
- Tomorrow (1960)
- The Cruel Day (1960)
- To the Sound of Trumpets (1960)
- A Dream of Treason (1960)
Show all 10 episodes
 1959 The Lineup (TV Series) (2 episodes)
- The Strange Return of Army Armitage (1959)
- Wake Up to Terror (1959)
 1959 Perry Mason (TV Series) (2 episodes)
- The Case of Paul Drake's Dilemma (1959)
- The Case of the Blushing Pearls (1959)
 1959 For Better or Worse (TV Series)
 1959 Peck's Bad Girl (TV Series)
 1959 Face of a Fugitive (as Jerrald Goldsmith)
 1959 City of Fear
 1958 Studio One (TV Series) (2 episodes)
- The Fair-Haired Boy (1958)
- Presence of the Enemy (1958)
 1954-1958 Climax! (TV Series) (10 episodes)
- Thieves over Tokyo (1958)
- Shadow of a Memory (1957)
- Trail of Terror (1957)
- The Trial of Captain Wirtz (1957)
- The Garsten Case (1956)
Show all 10 episodes
 1957 Black Patch
 1953 The Clay of Kings (TV Movie)
 1990 Szörnyecskék 2. - Az új falka
Yogurt Customer
 1984 Szörnyecskék
Man in Telephone Booth Glancing at Camera (uncredited)
 1965 Szemben az árral
Piano player (uncredited)
 2005 Testbújócska (Video) (in remembrance of)
 2003 Hollywood's Magical Island: Catalina (Documentary) (additional interviewee)
 1952 Ne is kopogtass! (scoring tasks - uncredited)
 2012 – 2014 Edición Especial Coleccionista (TV Series) (in memory of - 2 episodes)
- Programa Express: Pack Alien (Blu-ray) (2014) ... (in memory of)
- Instinto Básico (2012) ... (in memory of)
 2014 Alien Encounters: Superior Fan Power Since 1979 (Documentary) (in memory of)
 2003 Bolondos dallamok - Újra bevetésen (dedicatee)
 2001 Blonde Poison: The Making of 'Basic Instinct' (Video documentary short) (special thanks)
 2000 666: 'The Omen' Revealed (Video documentary) (special thanks)
 1997 Patton: A Tribute to Franklin J. Schaffner (Video documentary) (special thanks)
 2003 The Beast Within: The Making of 'Alien' (Video documentary)
 2003 The 100 Greatest Scary Moments (TV Movie documentary)
 2001 Blonde Poison: The Making of 'Basic Instinct' (Video documentary short)
Himself - Composer
 2001 Imagining 'Total Recall' (Video documentary short)
 2001 AFI's 100 Years... 100 Thrills: America's Most Heart-Pounding Movies (TV Special documentary)
 2000 666: 'The Omen' Revealed (Video documentary)
Himself - Composer
 1997 Patton: A Tribute to Franklin J. Schaffner (Video documentary)
 1995 Film Music Masters: Jerry Goldsmith (Video documentary)
 1995 Der Klang der Bilder (TV Movie documentary)
 1992 King Kong 60th Anniversary Special: 'It Was Beauty Killed the Beast' (Video documentary short)
 1977 The 49th Annual Academy Awards (TV Special)
Himself - Winner: Best Original Score
 1975 Filmharmonic '75 (TV Movie)
Himself - Conductor
 2015 SCORE: A Film Music Documentary (Documentary) (filming)
 2005 The 77th Annual Academy Awards (TV Special)
Memorial Tribute
Források: IMDB & The Jerry Goldsmith Discography Museum(English)

Jerry Goldsmith képekben

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Vélemények Jerry Goldsmith kapcsán:

Chainsaw95 képe
Hozzászólások: 248
Hely: Slovakia

1 0 Chainsaw95 ezt a véleményt írta 2015-08-12 20:46-kor:

Koszonet a feltoltésért :D Én a Rambó 1 ben hallottam eloszor ennek az embernek a munkáját és hát máig is bennem él szintén egy ember akit soha nem felejtunk :/

1 0

Chelydra képe
Hozzászólások: 2692

2 0 Chelydra ezt a véleményt írta 2015-08-12 20:24-kor:

Gondban vagyok, hogy mit írjak, mert annyira terjedelmes a munkássága, hogy mindet kiemelhetném példaként! Talán a Gremlins nekem a legkedvesebb zenei élményem, de minden kompozíciója, bennem él! Remélem, másokban is! Emléke, itt lesz velünk örökre!

2 0

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